Monday, September 18, 2006

Review Google Adsense

Baik. Kali ini aku menyimpang keluar sedikit. Ini sedikit review tentang Google Adsense. Mungkin ada yang tidak faham kenapa aku buat post macam ni. Dah takde kaitan langsung dengan theme tekazodiak. Tapi aku nak juga buat. Em..ada sebab tersendiri. Nanti akan diterangkan dalam fasa seterusnya.

Google Adsense is a fat and easy way for website publishers (Google) of all sites to display relevant Google ads on their website's content pages and make money also to earn money. It is because the adse are related to wthat your visitors are looking for no your site or blog. It also matched to the characteristic and interests of the visitors yours content attracts and laslly you finally have a way to both monetize and enhance your content pages.

You know how to manage your adsense web or adsense blog. Futhermore, it's also a way for website or blog publishers to provide google web and site search to their visitors, and to earn more money by dispalying google ads on the search result pages.

The secert of all you must know, not really much people know about adsense and affliate power money. Some else know, buat not much people know how to build website or blog. It's crazy !! or maybe some people call it "moron". So, don't wait and just watching this blog only just you interested. Just do what you think its benefit for you. Yah, adsense is benefit for you..

p/s : Nantikan kemunculan fasa kedua dan ketiga !

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